Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Bushe-Barnum Multiplier (~2)

The Bushe Barnum Multiplier is the factor by which you must multiply P.T. Barum's Law to account for the number of Trump voters in America.

Barnum's Law, "There's a sucker born every minute", yields just 525,600 suckers per year (we'll assume he limited it to American suckers).

If 74,000,000 Americans vote for Trump, that would be 141 years of suckers, too high, so the rate of suckers must be higher than 1 per minute. Voting age range is about (78-18) 60 years, yielding a Bushe Barnum Multiplier of (114/60=) 1.9.
Hence, there are about 2 suckers born every minute.

Bushe-Barnum Multiplier (~2)

The Bushe Barnum Multiplier is the factor by which you must multiply P.T. Barum's Law to account for the number of Trump voters in America.

Barnum's Law, "There's a sucker born every minute", yields just 525,600 suckers per year (we'll assume he limited it to American suckers).

If 60,000,000 Americans vote for Trump, that would be 114.155 years of suckers, too high, so the rate of suckers must be higher than 1 per minute. Voting age range is about (78-18) 60 years, yielding a Bushe Barnum Multiplier of (114/60=) 1.9.

Hence, there are about 2 suckers born every minute.

Bushe-Barnum Multiplier (~2)

The Bushe Barnum Multiplier is the factor by which you must multiply P.T. Barum's Law to account for the number of Trump voters in America.

Barnum's Law, "There's a sucker born every minute", yields 525,600 suckers per year (we'll assume he limited it to American suckers).

If 60,000,000 Americans vote for Trump, that would be 114.155 years of suckers, but the voting age range is only about (78-18) 60 years or so. The rate of suckers must be higher than 1 per minute, yielding a Bushe Barnum Multiplier of (114/60=) 1.9.

Hence, there are about 2 suckers born every minute.