Saturday, May 30, 2009

New Favorite Movies

I have a new movie to add to my list of favorites: 8 1/2 Now if I could only learn Italian enough to understand it. :-) It's brilliant anyway. In order to understand it, you have to understand Jung, because it's nearly a Jungian drama dealing with a man's relationships to the females in his life as the main character deals with the confusions he creates by following useless and narcissistic tendencies. The climax is as poignant as movies get. A true masterpiece.

So what are my other favorite movies?
American Beauty
Dr. Strangelove
Field of Dreams
Hanna and Her Sisters
Life is Beautiful
Schindler's List
Star Wars, Episode IV and Episode I

Though they certainly span the decades (nothing in this century yet though), there are some common threads - both obvious and more deep. Obviously there are two Italian films, two about concentration camps, five use black and white, and they are generally serious, witty, and often dark. More deeply, they are studies in contrast - always for me the most attractive form of art. The generally share themes of self-actualization in the face of adversity, determination, and penance.

The most common thread is most clearly spelled out in Star Wars - the struggle of good and evil, the battle for the human soul, in short Joseph Campbell's (and Jung's) Hero's Journey, on which Star Wars is based. I'm always surprised by how few people appreciate this most popular movie as a rendering of mythical themes. Distracted by the special effects, I guess.

Speaking of Campbell, I retold again this week my favorite Campbell quote (I'm pretty sure I first heard it in The Power of Myth):

If you follow you bliss, doors will open for you that would not have open otherwise, and that would not have opened for anyone else.

The Yoga I practice I learned from Ananda Marga, which literally means "The Path of Bliss," and this is just the bliss that Campbell is talking about, as he was a Yogi at heart. People can, of course, learn their true nature from many paths. Isn't it funny that when they do, and they act on it, they start knocking down doors that they hadn't even seen before? I can guarantee that if you do honestly practice quietude and meditation you will uncover that steady hum that lies within us all.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

No tarnish on '04 and '07 World Series Championships

Now I know I can be naive, maybe exceptionally naive, particularly about the integrity of baseball players, however, I don't believe Manny Ramirez used performance enhancing drugs until 2008.

Why? Here are Manny's numbers in Cleveland, Boston and LA:

(Please excuse the big space here if you see one)

 ClevelandBostonLos Angeles
Batting Average.313.312.380
At Bats Per Home Run14.714.412.1
Slugging Percentage.592.588.710

Courtesy The Boston Globe

The stats in Cleveland and Boston show what has always been said about Manny - he's a very consistent hitter, and a great one.

Suddenly, in Los Angeles, his numbers are remarkably similar to Barry Bonds' and Mark McGwire's juiced numbers. This should not be surprising, since Manny's was in his contract year, likely his last contract year at age 37.