Saturday, December 13, 2014

2015 U.S. Mobile Phone Plans (hint: Rok Mobile)

My friends have been recommending MVNO's to me.  These mobile phone service providers use the same networks as the national carriers and offer many interesting inexpensive plans, some even free.  There are so many that it's clear that most people have a far better alternative with an MVNO like Ting than directly with the mobile phone network owners (Verizon, ATT, Sprint, TMobile).  I used WhistleOut for much of my initial research, but I've visited and investigated most of the plans on nearly all the MVNOs (I think) and all the major carriers sites so I thought I'd report back on what I've found.

I've been a Sprint subscriber since the 1990's since they've always been the best value.  They may still be the best value for many, but I'm finally ditching them.  I'm a techie and a data hog, though I don't watch a lot of video, which is where the vast majority of data usage lies, but when I need my data, I need it.  Sprint never throttled my data, even after using the hotspot regularly.  They didn't have a hotspot charge until a few years ago ($10 extra), but when the new owners took over they started to throttle at 3GB and the hotspot charge went to $30. At that point, it wasn't the best value for me anymore.  I've had an iPhone 5S on Sprint.

I've been all over the Boston area this year and have been using OpenSignal app and my They turned on their new network 4G LTE network in Boston about a year ago only (after the WiMAX flameout), and only now as they still build it out during the year, am I starting to see a difference.  I bought an iPhone 6S and tried AT&T for a month and it's 4G LTE seemed to be available everywhere and far speedier than Sprint's, so I wouldn't mind a network change (though when I'm near one of Sprint's new towers, Sprint is faster). I have had a Verizon mobile hotspot and they seem to 15% more widely available than Sprint's and usually faster as well, though not as fast as AT&T's.

Overall network coverage is converging and price is becoming the differentiator, and MVNOs have greatly increased the competition, thanks to Obama's FCC.  Since they are using the same networks, and are very cheap, why not switch?

I'd like to save a lot on the outrageous sums I've paid to Sprint over the years.  I want to avoid having to count my bytes and I also prefer a known bill rather than worry about if I should call someone or whether I was roaming when I watched that video for fear of a charge worth about a full month's bill. I text some, but don't talk a lot, but talk is cheap, literally, so the plans that fit me best are the unlimited plans and that's where I focused my research.  At the same time, I have a second number I'd like to keep as cheaply as possible as I can, so I kept my eye on that too.  Unlimited data plans are easy to come by, what you pay for nowadays is the 4G speed over the 3G (or slower) speeds.  Most providers will give you a limited amount at 4G speeds, which I'd say are about 4 times faster experientially, and then the rest of your data at 3G is pretty cheap to come by.


Honerable Mentions

Ting may be the service best plan for users that don't want a lot of data, especially for people who can use wifi most of the time, but their mobile data gets expensive.  A plan with just 100 minutes of talk (about all I need), 1000 texts with 1 phone is just $14.  Add in 2GB of data - I minimally am like the rest of us and use 1-2GB a month (until I tether), then the bill jumps to $43, which doesn't beat Sprints $50 unlimited plan.  Anyway my iPhone 5S won't be Ting-ready until they turn their new GSM network online in February.

Runner Ups

RingPlus beats Ting hands-down, with $33 for unlimited talk, unlimited global SMS and 2.5 GB of data.  Additionally, RingPlus, like many of these new MVNO services, has unlimited calling via wifi as well, if you happen to have wifi and bad phone service (often true indoors).

RepublicWireless has an interesting $5/month wifi-only plan which can be quite economical in many circumstances.  For the unlimited lovers, unlimited talk, text and data (over cell), and unlimited data, throttled after 5GB for $40.  However, it's not really unlimited since it's stopped, not throttled, if you violate the 5GB a second time in 6 months, and there doesn't seem to be tethering support.

Boost mobile has $45 unlimited 4G, but no hotspot.  The might be the best deal if our winner wasn't running a special.


"Without Tethering" Category
Rok Mobile has nearly the best unlimited deal, with a current offer that beats everything.  First, Rox Mobile was started by the same man who started Patron tequila, enough said! (And Paul Mitchell hair products, both great companies with high quality products). Rok Mobile has unlimited talk, text (including international) and web with 5GB at 4G LTE for $49.99 - with 4 months free, that's like $33/month!  Plus it adds some nice added bonuses, especially a "free" subscription to their Rox Music service with unlimited music streaming and none of it counting against your download data.  Additionally you get and access to 20 million wifi hotspots. The downside?  No hotspot!  Still, that's a great deal no matter how you look at it, it beats almost all MVNO 2GB of 4G plans.

"With Tethering" Category
MetroPCS (TMobile Network) has the best really unlimited plan, unlimited talk, text and supposedly unlimited 4G LTE all month, no throttles, for $60, $65 to use it with a hotspot tethering.  This is $80 a month from TMobile directly.


Unknown said...

A great review and good resource for people. Just a couple of comments:

RingPlus runs ads when your phone rings to connect with someone, which is annoying to some people.

Republic Wireless does not allow bringing your own phones over.

Unknown said...

I'm sure you've managed to find comfort in Sprint by now, and although a switch of carriers isn't quite a necessity, looking at other options may be a good thing. In any case, I'm glad you shared the fruits of your findings with us, and in such an informative way as well. It's very much appreciated, Michael! Thanks for sharing that! More to come, I hope! :)

Clara Brooks @ TelcoWorld Corp.